While there were quite a few items that caught my eye (these Made & Crafted chinos with the wooden buttons?!), I couldn't resist this fantastic wool blanket from Pendleton. I loved the stripes and the color palette, but also loved how thick and warm it will be when the weather in NYC turns to full-on winter blast.

You'll see on top of the blanket I also picked up the latest Free & Easy, one of my favorite Japanese menswear magazines. I've been missing Tokyo, and missing my days of flying through Narita and loading up on 30 lbs. of fashion goodness.
If you can't get to a Unionmade store (SF, Marin, Los Angeles) then get on their website and do some perusing there.
If you can't get to a Unionmade store (SF, Marin, Los Angeles) then get on their website and do some perusing there.